16th Sunday in Ordinary Time – Sunday 21st July 2024

Published on November 12, 2023


21 July 2024                                 Altar Notices              16th Sunday in Ordinary Time


  1. The collection last Sunday amounted to €3,231. The Sunday Collection is taken up in the church porches on entry to and exit from Mass.  Many thanks for your great generosity and your use of the parish envelope.  A user-friendly Tap to Donate card machine stands at the entrances of both churches.

  2. As part of St Brigid 1500 celebrations, a Mass tomorrow, Monday, 22 July at 7.00pm will be held in St. Patrick’s Cathedral, Armagh to honour the invaluable contributions of women to the Church in the Archdiocese of Armagh. All are welcome.

  1. As last year no 8.30am Mass in St Peter’s Church, Monday to Friday, for July & August. Many thanks for your understanding. 10.00am and 10.30am weekday Masses as usual.

  1. The monthly Mass in honour of St Oliver Plunkett will be celebrated next Saturday in St Peter’s at 6.15pm.

  1. Altar Society Church Gate collection takes place at all Masses next weekend in both churches. Many thanks to the Altar Societies for their great work.


  1. The Parish Newsletter will resume first Sunday in September. Also see church noticeboards, parish website, Facebook, X and Instagram.