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Thank You and Happy Christmas from the Parish Priest

What a remarkable year 2020 has been! Who would have guessed this time last year that things would unfurl in the world the way they have? This year ending has been very challenging for many – loneliness, isolation, sickness, death, employment and financial worries. A year truly like no other.
It’s also been a year of gift and privilege. Despite the challenges there has been so much to uplift: the dedication of our frontline services, the neighbourliness during the worst of the pandemic. I am very grateful to our parishioners for their understanding during the lockdowns, and for their continued commitment to the Parish in so many ways, including financial, throughout the year.

I am always conscious of the wonderful support of all my colleagues, the Parish Pastoral Council, the Parish Finance and Safeguarding Committees, and many other groups and individuals, including our stewards, too numerous to mention, who allow St Peter’s Parish to continue to function and to be of service to the people of Drogheda.

With Canon Patsy, Fathers Paul, Aidan, whom we warmly welcome to the Parish, Barry, Deacons David and John, and Linda, our PPC Chair, I wish all our parishioners much peace and joy this Christmas and throughout the New Year. May the light of the Christ-Child envelop us all, and may he guide our ways and path, and those of our loved ones, throughout 2021.

Eugene Sweeney, PP, VG


St Peter’s Parish, Drogheda

Return to Public Mass & Services

1 December 2020


  1. It is with great joy that after eight weeks we are permitted once again to celebrate public Mass from 1st Weekday Mass times are as they were prior to the cancellation of public Mass in October:

Weekday Mass Times

St Peter’s                             Monday to Friday, 8.30am, 10.30am. Tuesday, also 7.30pm

                                                Saturday, 10.30am,

Our Lady of Lourdes      Monday to Saturday, 10.00am

Sunday Mass Times

Because of the new Government advice on adequate time between Church services to facilitate cleaning and ventilation, it has been necessary to make two changes to the Sunday Mass schedule. The Lourdes Sunday 9.30am Mass moves to 9.00am.  The St Peter’s Sunday 12.15pm is cancelled.  The Sunday Mass schedule from Sunday 6 December is, therefore, as follows:

St Peter’s                             Saturday Vigil, 6.15pm; Sunday, 8.00am and 11.00am

Our Lady of Lourdes      Saturday Vigil, 7.30pm.  Sunday, 9.00am, 10.30am and 12.00 noon.

All Masses will continue to be broadcast live by webcam on the parish website, saintpetersdrogheda.ie, and also on churchservices.tv

  1. The dispensation from the Sunday and Holy Day obligation Anyone who is vulnerable or unwell should obviously not come to church.

  2. The stewarding, social distancing and hand sanitising measures which obtained throughout the summer and early autumn will continue. The restrictions on numbers at Mass will continue as before. The sanitising of the churches will be a priority as before.

  3. In line with Government directives, all parishioners are asked to wear a face mask at Mass.

  4. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament will take place in St Peter’s Church in the main body of the Church during Church opening hours, and may also be viewed by webcam.

  5. Confessions, observing social distancing and the wearing of face masks, will be held as follows: St Peter’s Church, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 12.30–1.00pm; Saturday evening in both churches before Vigil Mass.

  6. Baptisms recommence and will be conducted according to best public health practice. Parents should please contact the sacristies to rearrange dates or to register.

Our Lady of Lourdes Church every Saturday at 5.00pm. Register at Our Lady of Lourdes Church Sacristy, Friday and Saturday, 9.30am – 12 noon. Tel 041 983 1973.

St Peter’s Church every Sunday at 1.00pm. Register at St Peter’s Church, West S.  Register at St Peter’s Church Sacristy, 041 984 5355, Monday – Saturday, 9.00am -1.00pm.

  1. Anniversaries may be telephoned to St Peter’s Church Sacristy, 041 984 5355, Monday – Saturday, 9.00am -1.00pm or Our Lady of Lourdes Church Sacristy, 041 983 1973, Monday – Saturday, before, during or after 10.00am Mass. Mass Stipend may be given via credit / debit card by telephone.

  2. Signed shared Mass Cards & Mass Bouquets, including Christmas Mass Bouquets, available in St Peter’s Church Shop (Monday to Saturday, 11.00am – 2.00pm), and in both sacristies.

  3. Funerals and weddings will take place with a maximum number of 25 people in accordance with Government directives.

  4. Join Fr Barry by webcam from Our Lady of Lourdes Church each Wednesday evening at 7.30pm, during Advent to reflect on the season of Advent, contemplate the Gospel readings of the Advent Sundays, and spend time in quiet prayer.

  5. St Vincent de Paul and Drogheda River Rescue Emergency continue to be ready to help anyone in need.

  6. In response to Pope Francis’ call that we walk with the poor and marginalized, St Peter’s Parish asks Parishioners for their support. In consultation with Drogheda Women’s Refuge and Drogheda Homeless Aid, items such as toiletries, new toys, warm items of clothing such as new underwear, T shirts, sweatshirts, hats and gloves, for adults and children, are needed at this time. Please drop any items you may wish to donate into the boxes provided in either St Peter’s Church or Our Lady of Lourdes Church by Sunday, 13th

  7. A local group of volunteers, called Drogheda Welcomes, is organising a Christmas Gift Drive to show solidarity with the 300 children being housed in Mosney in Direct Provision. The group welcomes Christmas gift donations for the children in Mosney, ranging in age from infants to 17 years old, namely, new toys, gift vouchers, new clothes, etc. Gifts should be unwrapped and may be dropped off at St. Peter’s Church by Sunday, 13th

  8. Parish Newsletter is available at the back of the churches as usual. Also see church noticeboards, parish website and Facebook page.